Foreign Policy Research Institute Partnership

By special arrangement, the Consular Corps College is pleased to offer our international community — all consuls, honorary consuls, regional consular corps and their members, and diplomatic staff — a complimentary, one year membership in the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI), one of the leading think tanks in the world. 

Benefits include:

·       Your being able to attend all of FPRI’s public and member-exclusive programs at no cost

·       Your receiving FPRI newsletters at no cost

·       Optional discounted access to Orbis, FPRI’s Journal of World Affairs for $50 annually (a $300 value if purchased separately). 

If you would like to accept a one year complimentary membership in FPRI, all you have to do is register here or click the link below.

 For over 50 years, the Consular Corps College has been committed to providing training and essential resources to the diplomatic community; to training and educating consular officers; serving as a channel of information; improving proficiency; and promoting fellowship with U.S. Government agencies and among foreign consular officers serving in the United States.

The Foreign Policy Research Institute shares our goals, and is dedicated to producing the highest quality scholarship and nonpartisan policy analysis focused on crucial foreign policy and national security challenges. 

We hope that you will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and join the Foreign Policy Research Institute today!

For more information about FPRI, please click here.



BMW offers discounts to Supporting Members only. If you’d like to become a Supporting Member, please click here. If you are already a member, please click here for further information. If you want more information about BMW, please click here.


UNITAR offers special programs that may be of interest to Honorary Consuls. For more information, please click here.